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Human Rights Policy

Darling Ingredients has built a strong culture of respect centered on our values of integrity, transparency and entrepreneurship. We hold ourselves and those we do business with to the highest standards of ethical conduct. We strive to be an employer of choice, a preferred business partner and a force for good in our host communities. Darling Ingredients is committed to respecting and upholding fundamental human rights in all of our business activities and working with customers, suppliers, agents, contractors, consultants, vendors and partners (collectively “Business Partners”) who are committed to the same standards.

This policy is guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which strives to create better standards of life and freedom for individuals. Darling Ingredients follows national, regional and local laws and requirements as they pertain to human rights in the areas in which we do business.

The Darling Ingredients Board of Directors has oversight of this policy statement and will review it periodically as needed. This policy and its implementation are part of our ongoing employee training process under our global Code of Conduct, which applies to all Darling Ingredients employees including all of its majority-owned subsidiaries, regardless of geographic location. This policy emphasizes and reinforces the responsibility set forth in our Code of Conduct to respect human rights throughout our business and sets forth our expectation that our Business Partners share the same commitment.

Labor Practices
We are committed to the alignment of our Labor Practices with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Rights of Women and Minorities, Child Labor and Forced Labor
We support the rights of women and minorities in the workplace. We prohibit the employment of underage children and the use of forced or compulsory labor in any of our global operations.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
We recognize and respect our employees’ right to join associations and choose representative organizations for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination and provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and job applicants regardless of race, color, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national and social status, disability, and veteran status.

Safe and Healthy Work Environment
We are committed to providing our employees, contractors and visitors with a safe and healthy work environment. This includes requiring all of our facilities to be supplied with clean drinking water, clean and accessible restrooms, adequate lighting and ventilation,  emergency exits, and first aid equipment. We do not tolerate any form of workplace violence or harassment, physical, verbal or other abuse or sexual harassment.

Compensation, Benefits and Work Hours
We are committed to providing competitive pay, health, welfare and benefits to our employees. Our employee compensation is competitive and reflects geographical differences, complexity and scope of position and business unit, while remaining consistent with applicable laws.

Customers and Suppliers
We treat our customers and suppliers with honesty and integrity. We are committed to a strong and diverse supplier network, which supports our goal of making a positive contribution in the communities where we do business. We will work with suppliers who support human rights, which includes transparency, openness to remedy inadequacies, and commitment to continuous improvement.

Host Communities
We are committed to being good neighbors in the communities where we operate, which includes health, safety, and environmental compliance. We also support local economies by generating jobs, demand for local goods and services and by supporting a range of charitable organizations.

Enforcement of this policy
Darling Ingredients encourages all employees and Business Partners who believe this Policy has been violated to report the suspected violations through the Company’s Speak Up Line. You may contact the Darling Ingredients SPEAK UP Line anonymously and confidentially at +1-800-461-9330 or visit the SPEAK UP Line website to report any suspected or known misconduct and/or illegal activity. The SPEAK UP Line is operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year. Translation and interpretation support is available. Darling Ingredients will not tolerate any retribution toward a person who files a report in good faith.

This policy is not intended to and does not constitute or create contractual terms of employment.


July 2021

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