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Global Water Policy

We have a responsibility to conserve natural resources and support a sustainable environment. Water is a valuable natural resource and its protection and efficient utilization in our operations is essential to our commitment to environmental stewardship. In support of this commitment Darling follows an evolving water strategy with goals and initiatives in alignment with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

We acknowledge that climate change has the potential to impact both water availability and quality. We utilize climate scenario analyses to assess and manage risks and opportunities to influence our water footprint. Darling is committed to water stewardship through:

  • Understanding regional conditions and water scarcity risks in areas where we operate; complying with regulations on water withdrawal; and, meeting quantity standards and guidelines.
  • Monitoring and measuring our water use; reporting trends and results to the Darling Ingredients.
  • Executive Leadership and Board of Directors; and maintaining our commitment to transparency through external reporting initiatives to include the CDP Water Report
  • Setting goals and targets to improve water utilization efficiencies, reduce water withdrawal, and promote water reuse from our manufacturing operations. Our current goal is to reduce the water intensities of our operations 5% by 2025 from a baseline year of 2020.
  • Consideration of innovative solutions to reduce the water footprint of our operations through process changes, water conservation programs, recycling/reuse (where it does not impact product quality), employee education and awareness.
  • Responsibly treating and discharging wastewater compliant with regulations and protective of ecosystems.
  • Ensuring access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services in the workplace.


July 2021

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